Saturday, February 16, 2013

A Walk in the Park

I am lucky to live in area that has many beautiful parks to walk in.  Today I decided to enjoy the crisp winter air and take a trek to Newton Lake Park.  I grabbed the dog and my camera and off we went.  It's amazing what you can find through the lens of your camera. The mundane becomes a work of art.  The camera's lens allows you to capture the art in everything.  I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  It was kind of a grey day so I thought black and white would be appropriate. Hope you enjoy these photos and see the beauty in the mundane.

Tall Grass

sweet gum seed pods...Google again makes me look smart :)



Moss on tree bark

Moss II

Winding path

Reflection II
Birds on a Rail

Sunday, February 10, 2013

A Great Sunday

We had a great day today! Started with a really nice pancake breakfast at our Church. My son was the server and it was given for my daughter's confirmation class. Then it was a trip to the barn to see Miss Ellie and drop off Madison's new saddle.  Madison was so excited to ride and work with Miss Ellie today.   The weather finally cooperated.  I love going to the barn, I guess this girl from the Bronx has a bit of country in her. I love the smell of the barn, the hay, and even the mud.  I guess this where Madison gets her love of horses and all kinds of animals.  The barn and the horses make for great photo opportunities.  They were all so excited to be out on this beautiful day enjoying the sun and fresh air.  Ellie was running and kick and rolling around in the little snow that was left on the ground.  Here are some photos I shot to of Madion's Miss Ellie.  She's such a pretty girl except she for some reason she love finding mud and rolling in it.

Rich saying hello! I think she was looking for a carrot.

Hershey loves going to the barn too. He gets to play ball and chase after the horses!

Her beautiful new blanket needs a wash desperately!

Such a pretty girl, but boy does she need a bath.

The new saddles looks great.
Ryan hanging out with Moe, the barn cat.
Ryan and Miss Ellie, againI think Ellie is looks for some carrots!


Saturday, February 9, 2013


I always love the day after a snow storm. The sky is so blue and the air is so crisp and clear!  I should have gone out earlier to take pictures but I was busy cooking and cleaning.  I knew that the sunset would be beautiful. For some reason sunsets in winter are always so beautiful. Hues of oragne, pink, purple and blue and they are constantly morphing and changing.  It's such a fleeting moment in the day but when you can capture it on camera it's a moment that lasts a lifetime. Hopefully as I get better my photos of sunrises and sunsets will improve.  Here are some examples of beautiful sunrises and sunsets. I know they could be better but I think for the mos part they are still really beautiful.

Sunrise on Assateague Beach
Sunset over Philly
Cape Cod National Seashore
Off the coast of Nantucket
The lighting was from sunset...such pretty picture of Madison
Cooper River
Cooper River
Newton Creek
Philly Sunset

Philly Sunset
Salem Harbor, Salem, MA
Assateague State Park
Assateague State Park

Friday, February 8, 2013


 I thought it would be a nice break from ALLLLL this snow and cold weather (snarky tone intended) we are having here to share some of my favorite beach pictures.  One of my favorite beach is Assateague State Park, Assateague, MD.  What a beautiful place, the natural beauty is stunning and the wild ponies are incredible. It is a photographer's paradise. If you've never been I highly recommend you go.  We are hardy folks so we tent camped on the beach (gasp I know I actually slept in a tent!!). Camping on the beach is amazing.  Both times we went the weather was perfect (except for the day we were leaving it rained both times) and the waves just lull you to sleep at night. The first time we went it was in the late Spring, in the Middle of May and the second time was the early fall, the begining of October.  Both were perfect times and we can't wait to go back again this year. These are just a few of the amazing pictures I had taken.  Enjoy!

Ponies of Assateague

Gnarly Tree

Beach Flowers

Shipwreck - It's said Blackbeard buried treasure on the beach in Assateague

More Ponies
The Beach - our campsite was about 200 ft. away from here

Sand Castles

I think this is a Sand Plover

Sunset over the campground

Sunrise on the beach...since we were so close to the water, it was so easy to get up and catch the sunrise

She sells seashells by the seashore


Beach grass

Bay at Assateague...this was around the beginning of October and the marshes turned a beautiful red/pinkish color

Sun peaking through the clouds


This was in October, the water was so warm and beautiful

Go Fly a Kite
Ghost Crab...looking like an alien
Hey look who came to breakfast..looks like someone forgot to throw the trash away
Home Sweet Home

One of my favorite photos

We took a walk to the beach to fly kites and walking back, she was in our site. This was so cool.

Sunset on the beach... I picture myself in my beach chair watching the sunset with Rich by my side and a beautiful glass of wine.